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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Misery loves company !

Do you ever notice people especially need company when indulging?  Why is that?  I find it hysterical, especially working in an office setting with many women (whom I love and adore).  But everytime a patient brings in something sugary and indulgent my coworkers need a partner with whom they can commit the crime.  Listen, I get it. I'd go out to eat with a former boyfriend and say can we share a dessert and he'd say, "Share? I'm not sharing.  Get your own!" Lol. The first time he said this I was so upset and must have sounded like a five year old.  I whined,  "Why wont you share with me? Don't you love me? Do you want me to get fat?" Lol.  Now-a-days, there is no sharing when it comes to dessert.  It's EMFH (Everyman For Himself). So I understand wanting someone to indulge with  but I don't need a partner in crime anymore. If I want ice cream, I can and will have ice cream. Even if no one else in a thirty mile radius is having some. It is okay to indulge and enjoy yourself.  You shouldn't feel guilty unless you're indulging too much but then that's a whole other talk show .=)