This past Sunday, September 11, was the HKC in West haven CT. I drove up the evening before with my sister, Olivia. We had a nice dinner, then I made sure to find the gym. I'll admit I have an ocd personality or, shall we say, curious lol. Those of you that know me personally know its the former, not the latter. :) So we finally find the gym after getting a bit lost, me freaking out a little, and my sister suggesting we stop and ask a cop. When we finally get there it was dark outside so I park the car and get out. I gaze into the huge floor to ceiling windows and check the place out. ( Not normal behavior you say ?) My sister said I looked like a robber staking out the place and we'd better go before the cop comes back thinking we're up to no good. But then I froze and got really still because I saw the pull up bar! Olivia asked me if someone was in there. I said no, pointed to the dreaded bar and she started laughing. I had been sweating this flexed arm hang for weeks. Why? Well let me tell you, DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. As I would soon find out, there was so much more for me to focus on there.
The next day began at 730 am at kettlebell daily. I walk in and am imediately handed a packet of papers to fill out. Then I get over to the dreaded bar and I know I need to own that arm hang. I get up to the bar and I DO IT ! We were very lucky to have Dave Whitley, Master RKC, as our instructor . The day consisted of LEARNING, yes LEARNING, how to preform and teach a swing, turkish get up (TGU), and goblet squat. Dave was absolutely awesome. He was able to break things down and not only explain what we as students need to learn to better our swings, TGU, and goblet squats, but he also helped us with drills so we can teach others how to perform them.
The day ended with the dreaded test. First, we were tested on being able to explain and show someone how to correctly perform all three of these exercises. The second test was to execute them one at a time . After these tests we waited... We were called in one at a time to find out how we did . For those of you who don't know, I passed =) ! It was a great day. I met alot of great people (strong women and men) ! I was also pleased to meet Amanda from, whose blog I follow . One tiny, itty bity step closer to the RKC in April 2012!
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