What's the saying, another year older and hopefully wiser? It's amazing the changes we can make physically, emotionally and mentally in one year. A year ago on my 28th birthday, I had touched a 10kg, 12kg and maybe a 16kg kettlebell. I had probably whined that they were so heavy too. At this point, I really didn't get "it". What I mean by "it" is that as a women you can move and lift REAL weight and not turn into a man. I also learned food is not the enemy! Imagine, eating! I know that some of you are laughing but a lot of women avoid foods because they have fat in them. I learned more about fats and realized its okay to eat nuts and bacon .:) In the past few months I adopted more of a paleo or primal diet .The biggest change I've seen in me though, is my training. There are several reasons I say my training changed more than anything else. I always went to the gym and worked out but I never "trained" for something. I decided to sign up for the RKC in August, after experiencing my bf's graduation workout in San Diego. We were stuck in Hawaii when I tried to book my spot. I will admit, begrudgingly, when I first looked on dragon door's website and saw full, I flipped out as though I wouldn't have a job or home come May if I did not attend this RKC. So I emailed dragon door and to my delight they had opened more spaces. Phew, I was almost RKCless hahaha.
I look back to videos of me performing swings, cleans and TGU's from last year and can't believe how my technique has improved. The most valuable lesson I feel with technique is always being humble and knowing it can be improved. Looking back at myself a year ago, seeing the girl I was who just "went to the gym” to now, looking in the mirror and seeing a tough @ss chick! A chick that wants to get stronger and better with everyday I train. I've learned so much about ME and how hard I want to work and how much I'm willing to put into something. I'm looking forward to this 29th year. I can't wait to see how my evolution continues to unfold! Stay tuned. The sky is the limit!
Elizabeth M