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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy birthday toOoOOo ME!

What's the saying, another year older and hopefully wiser?  It's amazing the changes we can make physically, emotionally and mentally in one year.  A year ago on my 28th birthday, I had touched a 10kg, 12kg and maybe a 16kg kettlebell. I had probably whined that they were so heavy too.  At this point, I really didn't get "it". What I mean by "it" is that as a women you can move and lift REAL weight and not turn into a man. I also learned food is not the enemy! Imagine, eating! I know that some of you are laughing but a lot of women avoid foods because they have fat in them. I  learned more about fats and realized its okay to eat nuts and bacon .:) In the past few months I adopted more of a paleo or primal diet .The biggest change I've seen in me though, is my training. There are several reasons I say my training changed more than anything else.  I always went to the gym and worked out but I never "trained" for something. I decided to sign up for the RKC in August, after experiencing my bf's graduation workout in San Diego.  We were stuck in Hawaii when I tried to book my spot. I will admit, begrudgingly, when I first looked on dragon door's website and saw full, I flipped out as though I wouldn't have a job or home come May if I did not attend this RKC. So I emailed dragon door and to my delight they had opened more spaces. Phew, I was almost RKCless hahaha.  
I look back to videos of me performing swings, cleans and TGU's from last year and can't believe how my technique has improved. The most valuable lesson I feel with technique is always being humble and knowing it can be improved. Looking back at myself a year ago, seeing the girl I was who just "went to the gym” to now, looking in the mirror and seeing a tough @ss chick!  A chick that wants to get stronger and better with everyday I train.  I've learned so much about ME and how hard I want to work and how much I'm willing to put into something.  I'm looking forward to this 29th year. I can't wait to see how my evolution continues to unfold!  Stay tuned. The sky is the limit! 

Elizabeth M

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Most of us are concentrating on the upcoming holidays. The food, drinks and don't forget the presents. Oooh and let's not forget my birthday. ;)  Yes I have all these things on my mind too and my training as well.  When I signed up for the RKC in August it seemed so far away but it's already December! So what's in store for me this month?  Well aside from my training designed by the coach to help me work on technique and getting stronger, Im challenging myself to do pullups/chinups for the enitre month of December (yes everyday). My standing Nov 30 was 2 chinups 1 pull up. On December 31 I’ll retest for how many of each I can do. The evil bf/coach challenged everyone to get better this month. He told us to pick one thing to really focus on just oneee thing.  It seems so simple, right? Its very interesting that most of us try to get better at five things at once and end up not accomplishing any of them! I will take on the challenge and get better. That being said off to do more chin-ups. =)

Elizabeth M